Friday, September 26, 2008


I created a new blog for O! What a Geek but I decided not to create a new RSS feed reader. I've been using bloglines for years, it's all set up and the thought of doing it all over again makes me feel tired. I thought, instead, that I would post two of my favorite library blogs that I have in my Bloglines account.

The 'M' Word: Marketing Libraries:

Information Wants to Be Free:


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Exercise #7

Something technology related, eh?

I guess one thing that occupies my mind quite a bit is how many customers we have with low technology skills. I think there are assumptions made by us (as daily and skilled computer users) that everyone has the same skills we have. And it's just not true. Anyone who has every worked a reference desk can attest to the fact that there are people who use computers without knowing what they are doing. They have no concept of how the Internet or e-mail or MP3 players work and this can create some real confusion.

I would urge libraries to consider this before they adopt every new and exciting program that comes down the pike. And most of all, I would ask employers to continue to accept paper job applications for jobs that do not require computer knowledge. There is no reason to expect a potential janitor to spend his hour at the library filling out an online application. It's unreasonable.

#5 Flickr

I've been using Photobucket for years to store photos online. It's not that I don't like Flickr, I just hate setting up new accounts everywhere. My experiences today have convinced me to use Flickr because it's a much prettier website to use (a feature that is important to me.

I've created an account and uploaded a photo. I've made my account private (because the picture has my dad in it and I wouldn't post without his permission) but here it is for all of you OPL folks. My dad and I in front of the Benson branch.

Library of Congress on Flickr

Did you know that the Library of Congress has posted thousands of historical images on Flickr? It is a fantastic way to find images for our customers and an amazing resource.

My particular favorite is an image of a working woman in a 1942 aircraft assembly plant. Not only is it a beautiful image but users have added notes and there are tons of comments. I think this is an excellent way to expose people to history.

I do have some concerns about the proprietary nature of Flickr. Does Yahoo own everything posted there and what happens if Yahoo goes out of business?

I love orange

It is my favorite color. As you may imagine, I was thrilled to see a Flickr mashup that allows a user to search by color. Orange lovers, unite!

This is one of the many beautiful orange images I found using the mashup. Orange!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lifelong learning

the question is, what does lifelong learning mean to me?

clearly, lifelong learning is important. it is essential in an advanced society to learn throughout ones life or one will become a boring 'ol bump on a log.

i believe that most people in the u.s. are actively learning throughout their lives. are they reading shakespeare and writing the great american novel? probably not. but they are reading magazines, online newspapers, blogs and much more. they are learning.

O! What a Geek!

I am such a geeky librarian!

I have set this blog up to document my progress through Omaha Public Library's O! What a Geek program. For a more thorough job, check out my other blog: omahaorbust.

More to come!